
Welcome to the Mental Space

Here I'll be doing things for the sake of doing things and updating this site as I do

For now I only have a youtube: here, but there's not much to see yet.

I'm also in the process of archiving my thoughts, check here to see what I'm thinking about!

Note that evrything here is VERY WIP, as I'm in a very transitional period of my life (I have a test soon and it could make or break my chances at my dream career)

About Me

An average guy with an average life, just trying to have fun playing videogames and writing random stuff.

I like valve games, specially TF2 and Counter-strike, though I have a bit of a complicated history with the latter, something I'll explain later on in this site's life.

Other than valve games I was a playstation kid growing up, despite being born in the 2000s I grew up with a lot of 90s stuff, specially games and music: I got to play the first Crash Bandicoots, the spyros, tomb raider, mortal kombat 1 and the likes, and it was kinda weird looking back on it, but to be perfectly honest I don't mind it one bit, if it weren't for those old 90s things I wouldn't be the man I am now

I have a particular interest in the Valve Hammer Editor, the tool used to make valve maps, basically anything you see in half life, cs, portal, l4d or anything else in the goldsource, source 1, or source 2 engine was made in hammer first. While many bash it for being "clunky" and "outdate", I see it for what it really is: A beautifully horrid mess: as janky and old as this program is it's also the thing that's allowed people (myself included) to create extrmely fun maps for some of the most popular pc games out there. If you've ever been told to stay away from hammer because "it's too hard" or "it scares me", those people are absolute COWARDS, don't be afraid to experiment with games.

Why am I doing this?

Just cause, I don't really have much of a plan other than showing others the cool stuff I've done, ranging from Half-Life and Counter-Strike maps to half decent stories, I just want to show people my stuff, and if they think it's cool, then it's cool, and if not, that's cool too.

I have some plans, don't get me wrong, but I feel like I should tackle things one at a time, and right now all I wanna do is get things done, mainly irl stuff, so I'll be brief, maybe a thing or two in the coming months, but not much else.

For now, here are the top 3 techniques that can defeat my dad: